Friday, November 21, 2008

As Good As It Gets!

Well Leah is already a month old and we're still in love with her. She continues to bring a lot of love and joy to our home. She's eating well and doing her fair share of growing. We think she just keeps getting cuter (if that's even possible). That might be due in large part to the subtle changes we see in her. We are so grateful for her good health and Karen's post-pregnancy recovery. Additionally, we are very thankful for all of the expressions of love that we have received from friends and family since Leah's birth. She is a very loved little girl.


Maryann said...

How come my blog isn't named under your friends and family?=(

rusted sun said...

Leah is beautiful Karen. I am so happy for you. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well. Motherhood is much harder than I ever imagined it would be, but it is also so much more wonderful. Let's talk sometime soon.
